The objective of this advanced course is to provide the student with insight in the principles and important issues of environmental epidemiology. The main methodological topics include time series studies, spatial epidemiology (including ecological studies), exposure assessment (use of GIS, Exposome), measurement error (impact and correction methods) and advanced data analyses (shape of concentration response functions, case-cross-over and panel studies). Besides, the course additionally provides state-of the art overviews of health effects of selected topics like climate change, outdoor air pollution and electromagnetic fields.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Apply epidemiological designs frequently used in environmental epidemiology and less in other applications of (clinical) epidemiology
- Understand new designs for environmental exposure assessment
- Assess the impact of measurement error in exposure on effect estimates and use correction methods
- Perform specific epidemiological analyses used in recent environmental epidemiology studies
Our Professors
Gerard Hoek PhD
Gerard Hoek PhD is lecturer of the specialization course Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology.
Gerard Hoek is an epidemiologist and a university lecturer at IRAS (Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences) at Utrecht University. His research focuses on the impact of outdoor air pollution on health in the Netherlands.
Mieke Lumens PhD
Mieke Lumens PhD is lecturer of the specialization course Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology.
More information about Dr. ir. M.E.G.L. Lumens can be found hereĀ
Ulrike Gehring PhD
Dr. U. (Ulrike) Gehring is lecturer of the specialization course Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology.
Ulrike Gehring is an associate professor and researcher at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS). She conducts research on the impact of the environment on children's health, with a particular focus on risk factors for asthma and allergies, as well as the effects of air pollution on health.